
That's the pic from the online classifieds website, KSL.com. Quite possibly the best local online classifieds place ever. Perfect for local deals.
We drove out to Centerville last night, took a look at it and realized it was pretty darn good. PLUS it came with a wall bracket! That's like $30 bucks extra that they threw in for free.
Stick it in the back seat and head home. Once home, I get busy hooking it up to the DVD player, just to see if it's all good.
Start the DVD and... it's black and white. WHA? Okay... fiddle with the color controls. Still black and white.
GREAT... that's why they sold it, the DVDs only play black and white. Wait, but the menu is in color. So something else is wrong. My wife gets online to see if she can find some info. I recheck the connections...
Whoops!!! The DVD cord isn't plugged into the DVD player all the way. I plug it in, retry the DVD and it's in COLOR!!!!
Haha, I'm an idiot! Phew!!!
Anyway I grab the recent Best Buy ad on the way to bed... find the current 40 inch Samsung HDTV LCD flat screen...
WHA??? We got $1000 off retail???!!?!?!?!?!?! Sweet deal!!!!!
Thanks so much, wife, you rock!!!!!!!!
That is totally great! Can't wait to see it & the new couches! Way to go!
Hey, I'm a fan of your mother's blog and now I'm a fan of yours. Actually, I'm a friend of your Aunt Kathy in Lake Havasu City. I'm writing because I just read your comment on Colleen's blog about the "floating egg" and laughed too much. Then I saw that you have a blog and decided to check it out....wow, did you ever get your mother's sense of humor...too funny. When is your wonderful wife going to get a website for her jewelry?...I'm waiting.
Take care. Betty
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